The team draws inputs, frameworks and ideas from some favoured sources and people. They have helped us in the past and continue to be useful.
They might be useful to you too, if you share some of our ideas about how to help organisations move forward, in favourable ways.
We’re currently cutting through the fuzziness and blur around:
- Innovation, co-creation, co-design, disruption and innovation labs, “hackathons” and “shark-tanks”;
- Design 4, sense-making and change-making;
- Digital transformation and dis-intermediation, where impacted leaders and staff need plain language and examples
- Management rhythms, accountability and consequences;
- “Culture” change and the related (practical) ideas of changing language, story or narrative, behaviours, mental models and engagement
- Levers for direct intervention for change in practices versus/alongside change to the environment or context in which people work – we see both as essential
- Engineering versus organic models of organisations
- “Push” strategies and tactics around solutions versus “pull” strategies and tactics from the engaged client who sponsors effectively
- The optimum conditions for “agile” development (business models, platforms and systems) and “agile” organisational change-making.
We always have a series of short articles and references available to our clients.
Contact us or try some of our favourite sites, for example:
- HBR, Strategy& and the McKinsey journals, blogs, groups and articles
- RSA for presentations that are brief, current and insightful…
- The Grattan Institute with its periodic papers
- Humantific or
- Cognitive Edge